Saturday, August 22, 2009

Trivial Pursuits

Mike and I usually stick to two games at D&B's: the coin game (you know, the awesome one where you try to make the coins go off the ledge) and the Derby horse racing game where it is very obvious it was developed by people for whom English was not their first language. They're classics, and we have a blast playing them together.

Tonight, however, on a whim, we tried something new. It occured to me at Dave & Buster's that I had an excellent idea for a lengthy blog entry on thoughts of change, the need for it, and how being open to it can be the most rewarding thing in life and in relationships. Thirty games of Trivia, 4000 tickets (Mike and I are apparently very good at Trivia, and attracted quite a crowd of onlookers and challengers), and a Sangria later, it became apparent that it would end up being a photo post instead. Because one thing I'm trying to change is taking myself, and life, too seriously.

So here's to not trying to find a deeper meaning and a need for self-evolution in every little thing, not to mention making the kiddos present very jealous that evening!

Cattle & Cane by The Go Betweens


  1. I wish I could have seen this.

    Maybe you should start a video blog (oooooooooooh!!! yeahyeah!)

  2. Considering it was YOU that inspired the Photo-A-Day blog, I might just try adding this too!!!

  3. Man... We're Freakin' Sweet...

  4. :-)
    it takes serious discipline... I'm not so good at that discipline.

