Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Adventure

Mike and I were in a completely indifferent mood while trying to figure out what we wanted to do on our Saturday night together. So, after an hour of pondering, exploring the internet, and turning down options, we made the executive decision to head down to Cinebarre to try out dinner and a movie. Literally!

It. Was. AWESOME! Totally retro, black and chrome, with huge vintage movie posters, and a bar! The theater was perfect! Tables in front of comfy theater chairs, and the exciting new-car smell of a new date! We saw District 9, which, the more I think about it, was a fantastic movie. Time with my Mike and a new hangout. What could be better?

So Right by DMB


  1. They're his fav...from a certain wedding we attended! ;-)

  2. Oh, just this little couple we know. They're annoyingly romantic and all shmoopified. Really, it's kinda pathetic. But they had a kick-butt wedding!

  3. It does sound kind of like us; I didn't even notice...
