Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's the end of the world as we know it

And I feel fine.

The Navesink Banks by Gaslight Anthem

Friday, December 30, 2011

For the Love of Cheese

Wine & Cheese night. And definitely Top Five Dates. Ever.
Overcome by Live

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bark less, wag more

Probably my favorite Christmas present this year, and it wasn't even mine! Mike's sporting his new t-shirt, appropriately petting the puppies. Luvs it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Date Day

We began this Wednesday with a two week post-op appointment during which Dr. Hugate checked my incision, removed the Steri-strips, told us there was less than 1% chance this osteachonroma could return, that everything was in great shape and my movement was further ahead than he could've expected, and said (I kid you not), "This is an incredibly rare place to develop one of these, but considering your luck with this sort of thing, it's not that surprising."

I love this guy!  Seriously, love this guy; he's a freakin' genious.  I have been blessed with incredible doctors.

One hour later, we were high-fiving each other on the elevator down to the Explorer to continue our Date Day in celebration of Life.

We began at Crave, where we actually split a sandwich, sweet potato fries (epic), and salad.  And were very pleased with ourselves and how much we didn't eat at a restaurant made for pigging out.
Next stop: the pet-friendly Outlets at Castle Rock.  Unfortunately, the Gap Outlet is not pet-friendly...
Mike oggled and swooned after the perf hoodie, but (fortunately) they didn't have his size (J.Crew can bite my butt with their prices).
Just after he posed for the photo (he didn't really look that crestfallen).  I found this to be quite amusing.
 Outdoor Outlets.  Cool.  Especially smack dab in the middle of winter...
Where I found the most perf butterfly necklaces AND matching earings at the Fossil outlet.  Last one at the store.  I win.
We ended the night with a date with the Castors and Hudsons at...CINEBARRE!  $5 movies Monday through Thursday.  Slap your daddy good.  And look at that dead sexy hat!
 Group love.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Man I Love: an appreciation

We're watching the final two episodes of Star Wars (we went in story order, not chronological order) tonight, which gives me time to update the ol' blogspheres.  A good red blend is giving me the inclination.  But as I ponder what I've done (read: haven't done) today, it gives rise to a clandestine photo from the comfy couch (I've been boycotting the BCC in celebration of not having to sleep in it).

We're both nerding it up on the interwebs (even while I type this with a soundtrack of Star Wars characters in the background, Mike is sending me shirts I can't live without he found on This is Why I'm Broke - I'll use those to break up the writing for those of you who are only here for the visual stimulation).
I need to brag on Mike for a bit tonight.  He has been more incredible the past two weeks when I've been incapacitated than I could've even guessed or hoped for.  My first memory is one of the first nights I moved from BCC to my own bed.  I was still taking medication and therefore unable to walk straight.  I'd fallen asleep before him due to pain killers, but woke up at 2 a.m. or so dreadfully early, and knew I wouldn't be able to make it downstairs for water on my own.  I was forced to wake Mike up and explain grogigly to him what I needed.

"I already brought your water up; it's on your nightstand," he said half in his sleep.  He anticipated my needs before I even knew what they were.
That's representative of what he's done for me the past 2 weeks.  There are very few things as unsexy as your wife throwing up in a hospital bed or needing help just to reach the restroom.  He set alarms for pain killers (that included 3 a.m.), had every sort of comfort food he could think of and made countless pieces of toast, filled up countless water bottles, gave me the pills I needed when I couldn't even tell time.

He was ready to fight anyone who told him he couldn't stay at the hospital.  When I began shaking after surgery it was completely uncontrollable until he touched my face.  I know now that he did so with a feeling of helplessness,  but when he stopped I protested (beginning to shake again), and told him just to keep doing what he was doing.  I fell blissfully asleep soon after.
He washed my hair, he helped me bathe, and never once made me feel guilty or humiliated.  He helped me up and down the stairs for a week.  He gave me his pillows from our bed (and I was so drugged I didn't even know), was willing to watch any movie, play any video game, that would make me feel better.  He changed bandages daily, trying to move the tape in different places so it wouldn't hurt so badly when we took it off.
He fed the dogs, he shoveled snow, he admonished me for feeling bad about a large scar.  He turned on the fire place to keep me warm, he bought me nacho materials (the Ultimate Comfort Food), he made sure I wore my sling, he came to my rescue when I fell on the stairs.  He drove us around, he wanted to celebrate our Victory (when we received the official proclaimation from the surgeon that it was, indeed, a benign bone tumor), he bought me bottles of my favorite wine, he has let me play Zelda for hours on end (don't worry, I don't use the shield and therefore don't move my left arm).

All that to say, he has loved me.  Loved me more than I ever thought possible.  And my appreciation, my awe, of knows no bounds.

Happy Tuesday, everyone.  I've got a week left of vacation.  I intend to enjoy it to its fullest. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Only the Sith deal in absolutes

Deep down, they abhore Pugs.  Face it.  We buy them for our own amusement.  This was from the Toy Shoppe...I played about 8 hours of Zelda, watched 3 Star Wars movies, a couple episodes of Star Trek Generations, and tried not to move my arm.  It worked!  Getting better by the day!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

And to all a Good Night

This Christmas was definitely in the Top 5 holiday memories.  The amazing way it came together, spending my first Christmas in Colorado (and in my own home!), the blessing of my parents flying up here (had they been driving, they wouldn't have been able to come due to road closures in Kansas and New Mexico), not having to drive 16 hours after surgery (which, again, due to road closures, we wouldn't have been able to do, either).  Had we not had the C-Scare, we wouldn't have been able to spend Christmas with my family...


Mike and I love stockings.  We pulled out goodies from oversized socks, unwrapped gifts in the light of my Christmas tree, and ended the evening with a showing of Easy A.  It was also Keebler's first Christmas.  You can see the remnants of their gifts all around their tired little bodies. 

Keebs wants to do that again!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thrifty Christmas

We were up and out of the house today by 7:20 for a Starbucks run and a first row spot in line at ARC when it opened.  Turns out that really wasn't necessary; apparently Thrift Saturday landing on Christmas Eve is great for dispelling crowds! 

Two hours later, we walked out with half a car full and it was only the first stop!  Find of that stop was a 1950s Egg Nog bowl and cups, along with tons of great clothing finds (for all parties involved, actually).  Each cup says "Merry Christmas" in several different languages!
Next we ventured to Boulder at Hospice Thrift where my dad and I bought over 40 ties between the two of us each of which cost 10 cents!  I so wish I'd known that when I made my tie skirt.  That didn't consitute find of the stop however.  That went to my new fav jacket (to die for; I LOVE BUTTERFLIES!):
While in Boulder, we had to stop at Wahoo's for the traditional seafood bowl of greatness.  Love that place.  And we sat across from a Starbucks where my dad vividly remembered me asking them if I'd ever find someone to spend the rest of my life with.  Oh my stupidity!
A quick stop at Lafayette Flea Market resulted in a very nicely shaped 1940s suitcase (the top one):
And finally, Goodwill, where my dad scored the Find of the Stop.  A new, with tags, sport coat originally $225.  I think he paid $6.  I wasn't camera ready with that one.

We win.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Double Date Day

My first time out on the town in a loooooong time.  Ok.  Maybe not that long.  But it felt long.  We started off with brunch at Sam's No. 3 just down from the Clayton's fav downtown Denver Hotel (the Curtis).  That kept us warm enough to make it to the bus to Tattered Cover (it was a balmy 15 degrees; sue us for Mass Tansiting it - it hurts to both shiver and sneeze).  We enjoyed a few reads and even more memories of the place at which we were wed (luvs it).  Oh, and stopped by Goorin Bros for new hats!
 After a brief respite and a run to Game Stop (Buy 2 Get 1 used games - can it get any better?), we made our way to The Orchard for dinner, yogurt, and the required Target stop.
 While we waited for our table, we stopped into Grand Rabbits Toy Shoppe, which is unBElievably cool.
 Mimi & her Lions!
After a tasty meal at Rock Bottom Brewery, we took Mims to Red Mango for some Greek Frozen Yogurt in myriad flavors and artful toppings.  I believe right here Dad is saying "You no get".  But in actuality, we did!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

T-Shirt Scarf

We did absolutely nothing today.  It was snowy and wonderful, full of techno-biz (I am so saving up for an iPad after drooling over my parents' newly procured pads), Zelda, great comfort food via the Crock Pot, and lots of love.

My mom found this fantastic idea from Hello Giggles, so we used some old thrifted t-shirts and tried it out ourselves.  I haven't decided how I'm going to embellish mine yet.  I'm thinking pin or buttons.  Either way, it's incredibly soft and oh so chic!

Lazy days are so much better when they're not actually due to being confined to the couch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Mimi & Poppy have arrived!  And so has over a foot of snow...God answered a prayer on that one.  What a beautiful Christmas this is turning out to be!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tongue & Cheek

Have you ever thought about where dogs actually keep those incredibly long tongues of theirs? 

Me neither.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa, Baby

I went the simple route for wrapping this year...they looked so pretty under the tree!
 Complete with little metal watering cans and cardinals...and a Trader Joe's Wine Caddy. ;-)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


The really funny thing to watch the past few days have been the dogs.  They are sleeping a lot more around us in the living room than normal, because I'm sleeping all the time.  Even their bedtime hours are all out of wack due to sleeping through the day and not being able to doso again at night (while the Big Comfy Chair is comfy when you're awake, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep not only sitting up, but avoiding anything touching one full side of your back is difficult, to say the least). 

One night, Mike fell asleep with me in the living room, as did the dogs - their first night out of their crate.  Every time I moved Keebler bolted up just to look at me and make sure everything was O.K.

It seemed like they even knew how fragile I was, as they didn't even jump on me.  Dogs are such precious things in life; they know Their People.

I took this photo of Mike and Kona from BCC.  True to form, still taking a picture a day even after surgery.  I love this little blog.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wishful Thinking

In going through my phone to find photos to represent the days I've spent in a haze of pain killers, sleep, movies, and basically immobile and in quite a bit of pain on the Big Comfy Chair (so, not a lot of photos...), I came across a photo I was going to send to Mike to see if he liked the dress for his birthday party.  I decided against it as the last thing I need is another dress. 

But I look at it now and wish I'd bought and worn it, as it would have been the last time I could have without a fairly prominent scar on my shoulder.  I really like my shoulders.  I'm trying not to be sad about it, as my Mom says, "It's a battle scar that tells everyone you're a survivor, and you didn't have to do it again."

Which is true.  But even cancer survivors have a little bit of vanity...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Bow Wow Bouquet

Karley and Du sent me this wonderful arrangement that arrived at Quivas right after we did.  It cheered me up just looking at it through the week.  They couldn't have picked a more perf gift!  Not pictured were the chocolate covered strawberries and apples from my parents from Edible Arrangements.  My family knows me so well.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


She has been through every surgery I've ever had.  Including yesterdays.  Screw being 28, if I want a stuffed animal in the operating room with me, she's going.

I was surprised at the lack of weird looks I received.  They see everything, I'm sure.  She still had the hospital tag from 1993...they don't make 'em like they used to (I had my own bar code...creepy).

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I know you might find this amazing, but the world doesn't stop when you're in the middle of a personal crisis.  You think that it would, that it should, but that's just not how life works.

I had all my surgeon questions written in a Note on my Blackberry.  We had packed.  I ate and drank nothing after 11pm the night before (come to find out it's so you don't regurgitate anything during surgery that would subsequently flow back into your lungs...I always wondered that).  We were prepared, damn it.


No.  No, we weren't.
  1. They make you take off all your clothes.  I at least thought I could maintain some semblance of normalcy by holding on to my underwear.  Nope.  They mean everything.  Strike 1.
  2. They tried to put the IV between my wrist and my elbow which is just weird.  That is not the normal spot (and let's be honest, I know what that is).  Add to that the initial catheter was defective and broke off in my blood vessel potentially causing major issues, and an hour into our hospital visit I'm quietly losing my mind.
  3. The surgeon walked to the prep room with a photo on his iPhone of his previous tumor removal (he was unaware, it was strapped to his hip).  I later found out it was a seven pound tumor removed from my room buddy (to whom we never spoke) in the hospital that night.  Dood.  This did prepare me for the question he eventually asked: "Do you want a photo of it?"  Do I want a photo of it?!  What kind of question is that?!
  4. The answer was, of course, Yes.  Yes, I would like a photo of it!  (No, that will not be a photo of the day).
  5. And then, he signed my left shoulder.  I was so taken aback by this I didn't even ask why.
  6. I still get asked car questions even when I'm naked, hooked up to an IV, and about to receive so much anesthesia I'm just hoping to remember Mike's name when I come out of it.  Strike 2, Happy Gas Guy.
  7. I am completely incapacitated, to the point of being unable to open my eyelids, and they're thinking of sending me home rather than spend the night in the hospital.  I can barely say my own name and you think that's the way to go?!
  8. We had to share a room.  What is this, an 80s episode of General Hospital?! 
  9. The nurse had the gall to say due to sharing a room there was a possibility Mike wouldn't be allowed to stay.  I'm not above admitting it was the only time I started freaking out.
  10. I won't even go into the story of my first potty break (which happened to be the first attempt at movement I made) after the surgery.  Privacy curtains.  They are there for a reason, people in the medical field.
  11. I do not exaggerate when I tell you it took 5 seconds after the first shot of narcotic pain killer for me to throw up.  I love freaking nurses out.
  12. Let me just say this: it will be a long time before I eat anything resembling apple sauce again.
  13. How many orderlies did I have to tell NOT to touch my left arm to attempt a blood pressure cuff?  What part of scapula surgery did you not read on the chart?
  15. 4 inches.  That's how long the incision is.  That's how big the scar will be.  4 inches is huge.
  16. Surgery causes you to shake.  Uncontrollable, body twisting shakes that you can't physically stop.  The was one of the scariest moments of the whole ordeal.  And is, apparently. completely normal.
  17. I have gone through life thoroughly taking the use of my left arm for granted.
  18. Mike is one of the biggest blessings I have ever received.  If not for him...I'd have a lot less fun recounting the story of our first medical malady together.
I took this on our way to the hospital.  Really, today's post is more a picture of words.  But I figured this would be a good ending.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boots & Barkley Strike Again

A Doggie Deluxe Cheese and Sausage set?  How do I have any budget left?!

Mike ran a ton of last minute errands with me in preparation for (and avoidance of thinking about) surgery tomorrow.  It was actually a great evening.  Unexpected delight.

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm 28 Today

But with everything we've been through, and the fact that Mike turns 30 this year, I kinda feel like we just skipped it.  Surprisingly, I'm not bitter about this.  I just want Wedesday to be done. 
Happy Birthday to me.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Exploring Black Hawk

Because there's more here than...nope, no there's not.  It's pretty much just casinos.
But at least I married a man who appreciates the *very* little things.  Including reading the historical markers.
That would be our hotel.  I almost felt bad.
 The rest of Black Hawk...