Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Small slice of heaven

I learned how to make snow ice cream from my mom. It snowed all day today; big, quarter-size flakes that take forever to land. So I made use of nature's miracles...and ate it with chocolate honey for dinner. Along with some decaf Celestial Seasons white tea.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reality bites

This was the last day most of us would be in the office. Over half of our team took packages, either to retire or move on to other endeavors. It sucks. It's like leaving family. Or having them leave you, rather. We went from 16 zone managers to 4. The silence in the office is overwhelming.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Wuv, twue wuv

I take this lovely little thermos with Imperial White Peach tea and tons of honey every day to work. It keeps the tea steaming hot and has the perfect little cup built in! I think it is the feather in my bohemian hat at the office. They'd wonder why they hired me if my dealers didn't love me like they do.

It makes me smile...and it was on sale! *beam*

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Peoples Republic of Boulder

My mom and I went to the Celestial Seasonings tea plant in Boulder, CO while she was visiting. One amazing-smelling place! It stirred my passion for tea once again. They also had a room that stored all of their mint herbs and spices. It immediately clears your sinuses! Burns your eyes too...

They crafted an ensemble for the Red Dress campaign for heart health. Even the shoes are covered with tea bags!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Never saw that coming

Some potatoes my mom found while cleaning my kitchen...they had obviously been there a while...

We both laughed pretty hard!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Helena Handbasket

Click to see today's picture.

As of today, each point is now the location of one of my dealerships. That's 15 cities, 4 states, 2 fly zones, and 1 Basket Case.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I stayed at a different hotel in Eagle, right next to Boise. I looked out my window to find a balcony, and this.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cry me a river

The sight of Evil Knivel's ill-fated jump of Snake River. This is Shoshone Falls, the most powerful natural water fall in the Northwest US.

Absolutely breath-taking. I could've stood there and listened to it all day.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Say Cheese!

On what might've been my last 4.5 hour drive to Elko, NV, I took a dirt road down which a sign pointed to a scenic view of the canyon located somewhere in between Idaho and Nevada. I got about 20 minutes down it, and realized that I'd just passed a sign that said "Air Force Test Sight: Watch for Falling Objects". So I never made it to where ever I was trying to go. This was the best shot I got.

This is the bovine that started charging my Fusion. I think the Amethyst was a turn-on.

They don't call it open range for nothing. And if you hit one of these bad boys, you owe the Indians that live on the reservation they populate the full price of the cow. I saw it with a horse once - it's front side was on the right side of the road. It's backside was on the left.

That'll leave a mark.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I was kinda weirded out by how much the sky looked like the beginning of the Simpsons that I almost wrecked my purple Fusion on the state line between Idaho & Oregon.

Oh the irony. It's there. Somewhere. Just let me know where.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh. My. God.

Cripple Ceek, CO. Nestled next to one of Colorado's many 14ers, this little town used to be primarily funded by gold mining, along with Victor, of which I got many pictures. About 5 minutes out of town is the most breath-taking view I have yet to see here. Oddly enough, many of Cripple Creek's original buildings still stand today (I stayed in the old High School that ran from 1880 something to 1979, and has been renovated into a B&B). However, most of them are now...CASINOS. This podunk town has been turned into a mini Vegas for old, quasi W.T. people. It's trippy.

But lots of ghost buildings make it more than worthwhile.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


This guy's from TEXAS!!!!

You can't make this stuff up.

Friday, February 16, 2007

M. Knight would be proud

If you don't get the title, I can't help you.

This woman's family didn't want to obstruct the view with her grave stone, so they made it out of Lucite.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Prisoner of Love

So...I spent my Valentine's Day roaming Temple Square and downtown SLC with a co-worker. Both our significant others were in other states, and we were completely alone in a foriegn land. He's Catholic, and I'm Christian (non-denominational to be precise), so it was an interesting jaunt in the citadel of Mormonism. We've been dealing with the lack of protected left turns, men in black suits, women in pantyhose, 1 oz alcohol rule, exhorbitant homeless population, meaningless maps that don't show half the streets that are only named 1 - 5000, and incredibly early mornings hangin' out with technicians for the past 3 days. needless to say, we had a little fun with the cameras.

Don't take it too personally. If you'd have been there, I would've made fun of you too.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Things that make you go "Hmmmm"

It says "National Headquarters Daughters of Utah Pioneers".

Anthony says: "This is why this place freaks me out."

Monday, February 12, 2007

"That's when you know it ain't your time to go!"

That's what one of my dealers said when I told him I was 3 blocks away from Trolley Sqaure when an 18 year old walked into the mall with 2 guns and started shooting at random.

It's Salt Lake City for crying out loud!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

And so it begins again

But at least this time, I'm on my way to Salt Lake!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lost in Translation



Friday, February 9, 2007

Goodbye, Norma Gene

Sunrise in Pocatello.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Craters of the Moon

I had a really hard time choosing a photo from my drive today. I decided to take the scenic route from Idaho Falls to Boise, and drove through 5 hours of God's country...marked with Man. So I took pictures of both.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Welcome to my world

Yes, that's a truck he's standing in.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Random dino in BFE Idaho. Seriously, this is in the middle of what they call the Moon Craters - it's this massive expanse that literally looks like...well...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Ford wants YOU!

What could be considered our second-to-last official team happy hour, at which Dave, my former GM now en route back to the Mothership (aka Dearborn, MI) points to the camera. Ryan is the deer-in-the-headlights model. And me? Well...I'm just admiring my office husband (so titled by Reina and Chris - who are also an office couple).

Ah office politics.

Unfortunately, this picture was not taken today. I was too biz driving around Idaho being brilliant to remember to take one. Get excited for Tomorrow!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Pop culture

If you can tell me what this symbol is, I'd give you a dollar - if we weren't so broke.

One of my better Target finds...and seriously...sometimes you have to get the most out of the mundane, so take the photos for what they are.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Tea & Sympathy

My Franz porcelain order finally came today, now means I have 5 cup and saucer sets. They are so incredibly beautiful that it flutters my stomach! Just like the cups almost do so while you're looking at them.

Friday, February 2, 2007

"You need to realize that sometimes her bulldog mouth overrides her puppy dog a$$."

You know, people say a lot of funny crap! I started collecting quotes in college, which I never really considered a hobby. More like conversational photos. But when I was moved into the "Bullpen" at the office (a small room with 12 desks for the zone managers) when I was given zone B3 in good ol' Idaho, I realized how many freakin' funny things people said, that I forgot an hour later! So I started writing them all down.

Now, when I read them, I laugh all over again!

Sad Day

This is a picture of the office, and most of the 67 people I work with. This number will be 10 by March 31.

Corporate America sucks.