Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Prisoner of Love

So...I spent my Valentine's Day roaming Temple Square and downtown SLC with a co-worker. Both our significant others were in other states, and we were completely alone in a foriegn land. He's Catholic, and I'm Christian (non-denominational to be precise), so it was an interesting jaunt in the citadel of Mormonism. We've been dealing with the lack of protected left turns, men in black suits, women in pantyhose, 1 oz alcohol rule, exhorbitant homeless population, meaningless maps that don't show half the streets that are only named 1 - 5000, and incredibly early mornings hangin' out with technicians for the past 3 days. needless to say, we had a little fun with the cameras.

Don't take it too personally. If you'd have been there, I would've made fun of you too.

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