Tuesday, August 25, 2009


On my lovely drive back to Denver from Casper, I enjoyed what I personally consider to be very beautiful landscape in which to be alone. For some reason, the solitary harshness of the state of Wyoming fascinates me, and I wonder if I'd mind it so much living on a little house on the prairie.

It was along these lines I was pondering when I realized the sky had turned purple with rain and the temperature had dropped from 75 to 58 within the span of 10 minutes. It was in stark contrast to the yellowing landscape, so I rolled down the window to take a photo. In burst the smell of rain and cedar and pine all mixed to make a heady, subtle road trip perfume on a bank of now 60 degree humid air. I didn't roll the window back up until I met Mike at The Happy Sumo for surprise sushi, 2.5 hours later...

Notion by Kings of Leon