Friday, May 9, 2008

Answered prayers

Today was a good day. Jen came over with a White Chocolate Mocha and took me to the doctor so I didn't have to go alone. She'd been pushing me to go ever since I mention the pain in my breasts oh...about a month ago. I always thought that, since I know what it could be and the affect time can have on that sort of thing, I'd be the first in line to get checked out immediately. Instead, I remained happily, albeit concerned, in denial.

So, when it was nothing and after a giant hug fest, we went to Sam's and then Wahoo's in celebration! Fantastic guac, oh my word.

Then, I met Mike this afternoon at the first of 4 apartments in north Denver he wanted to look at as potential new homes. It's a big deal, moving from your own condo to an apartment, to be closer to your week-old job (not to mention your girlfriend). So we were both pleasantly surprised when the complex was, for lack of a better word, perf. We both looked at each other and mouthed "This is it." I mean, down to having a storage unit attached to the apartment, cheap rent, even cheaper upgrades, a free accent wall, a fire place, a nice bathroom, and ALL NEW appliances!

"You know, I was walking around my condo in the Fort yesterday, thinking 'What will ever pull me away from this place?!' So I just started praying to God that if I was meant to move, He'd give me a place. I just didn't expect it to be the first place, much less this one. They looked terrible on! And they're nice!"

I shouldn't have been surprised then when he pulled a massive sunflower out of his Tacoma ("I got the biggest one they had!"), but I still was. And the odds of him bringing me a gawwdy sunflower when I was wearing my gawdy sunflower dress? Well, it required a picture we both agreed.

Thanks, Lord.


  1. You're a pretty good answer to a prayer as well...

  2. So are you to me, Love. So are you to me.
