Monday, October 27, 2008

WTF, Mate?

Ever since that epic, gut-busting hand-drawn cartoon of the End of the World (warning! cussing!), "WTF, Mate" has been a regular part of my vocabulary. Let's face it, when it's in initials you just don't feel as bad using it. Trust me, there are so many more incredibly worse things I could say based on the automotive industry standards of speech. So, I've gotten to know a couple of Jen's parts and service managers pretty well. The problem is, with as much as she talks about our friendship, they know me better.

I went to one of her dealerships today, and the Service Manager, Mario, presented me with a present. He'd had a stamp made just for me.

I subsequently went around the entire office stamping non-important papers. It made my freakin' WEEK!

Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups

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