Friday, March 2, 2012

And to all a Good Night!

I went to Castle Rock with Mike for a tournament on Friday.  His team graciously got him a room at the Hampton, so we took the chance to stop in at the Outlet Mall in CR.  The evening didn't start well, having discovered our favorite outlet (Fossil) was no longer there *tears*. 

Needless to say, expectations were low when we decided to check out the Bose outlet.  Mike and I have been discussing (stalking) Bose surround sound since we moved into our house and had his (our) aggregiously large TV mounted to the wall.  The massive speakers as a part of our current system have become such a staple that I rarely notice they take up half the room (I kid.  Sort of).  We started dreaming about the premium system, and gradually over two years talked ourselves down to their less expensive model (still small speakers and great Bose sound, just not quite as small, and it doesn't come with an iPod doc).

We looked around, saw the premium model (seriously couldn't justify that expense now), their next step model (iPod doc), and couldn't find the one we were interested.  So we asked!

As it turned out, it wasn't displayed, but they had just made a sign for the box on the floor: $200 off the system, and if you purchased it, you got a free XBox Kinect.  That got our attention.  Ours has been on the fritz (very finicky on when it wants to actually open) so it was something we were going to have to replace soon.  And we could get it for free??? 

But then the dood helping said, "If you take it tonight, I can throw in half off installation," which means no wires hanging on 3M hooks from the ceiling, everything made to work properly, lessons on the Universal remote (no more toting around 3 depending on what you wanted to actually listen to/watch), and an overall feeling of beauty in an electronic world.

He had me at "free XBox".

So we walked out of there with a major sense of WINNING!  Which made Crave taste all the more fantastic (might I recommend the Wiseguy; I think I just did).

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