Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'll stop the world and melt with you

You have no idea how many comments I received carting this thing around the thrift store - "You've got the whole world in your hands!"  "She just bought the world."  "Going around the globe?"


I was amazed that I found one so quickly after pondering an idea of turning one into shelf art.  Gotta love ARC.  And this is how it turned out:
It's reeeeeeeally hard to photograph.  But it says "Go".  And here's where it was meant to be:
It looks pretty amazing for a trial and error piece.  Two cans of spraypaint and mass quantities of painters tape and Sharpies, I'm fairly satisfied.  Let me tell you, spheres are very hard to write on...

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!!! Love it! If you want to start a collection, I saw this and thought of you. :-) http://www.artonglobes.com/detail_superhero.html

    Here she comes to save the dayyyyyy! :-)
