Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Someone In Your Party Has Died.

I'd never taken the highway from Rawlins to Casper, so it was an adventure in Stephen King books-on-tape and lack of cell phone service.  The problem with drinking 80 ounces of water a day is that, for every hour you're on the road, you have to make a pit stop.  So when I came upon a rest stop (my 4th of this WY tour alone), I didn't quite get that it was national landmark.

When I drove up for kicks and giggles and saw that it was Independance Rock, I was immediately taken back to the screen of the red iMac (one of the originals when Apple was just starting to be cool) glued to the keyboard with my sister, trying to survive the trail from the east coast to California to start a new, albeit 2D, life by packing our belongings into a pixelated covered wagon and setting out on an adventure that included copius amounts of shooting animals.

I immediately texted Karley.

me: Do you remember playing Oregon Trail??
Nar: Of course!  Why?  Are you at some sort of landmark from the game in real life?
me: Yes!  I'm standing in front of Independance Rock!
Nar:  We've just changed a wheel, overloaded the wagon with 8000 lbs of animal meat, and traded for Borax, and you're staring at a rock?!
me: Yeah, but the beads from the Indians were a fav.
Nar: I just ate berries that were poisonous and now have dissentary.  I will probably die next week; screw your beads!


Hate to Say I Told You So by The Hives

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