So, we ended up talking about it through my tears over a chest of drawers moved halfway to the garage. And it was wonderful! I don't give Mike nearly enough credit for his patience, his calm, and his ability to communicate. I pride myself on being able to talk through problems, but he makes me look like I need therapy.
No comments please.
Anyway, that side bar story has absolutely nothing to do with the photos of today. But Mike and I spent a whole day with absolutely no agenda, nowhere to be, nothing to do. Ended up in Longmont on a gorgeous Colorado day eating at one of our favorite local spots, The Pump House. Mike tried to take me to an antique store he found in Hygeine (it was closed, along with everything else), and then we ended up home - at our beautiful house - enjoying the rest of the evening in quiet peace.
I love him.
And He Loves You too.