Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sometimes when there's no one in the Gift Shop on Thursday nights, I peruse the stuffed animal wall to see what's new since the week before.  I'm all about the 5 senses, and with these I often pick them up and test huggability.  This is important when I have a phone order as I am tasked with choosing the perfect gift for a child that the payee will almost never see.  So it's good to know which animals have the best snug capacity.

Also, it seems to me that if I can touch each one, hold some, that somehow my wish for whatever child receives it will be strong enough in the caress that somehow they will feel better when they hug that animal.  They will not feel the pain, the nurse will have good news, they will go home soon.  They will not feel hopeless, they will never feel ugly, their hair will grow back beautiful.  The scars will disappear and their parents will stay together and they'll be better people for it in the long run.  Because it's what I want for the owner of each stuffed animal.  I will it when my hand grazes each one in a test of softness.  I think when you wish something hard enough, it can't help but come true.

Isn't that right?


  1. it's got to be true... it just has to be. I think that we get that from God, the greatbig restorer.

    whether it's noticed or not, we want to be like Father, so we want to be part of the physical restoring on earth.

    restoring relationships
    restoring health
    restoring families
    restoring old cars and houses

    it's got a kind of spark to it, don't you think? like it's worth more if we can be part of fixing it.

    hummm, what does that say about God? maybe that we're worth more to him-- more than the birds and the soil and the fish...because we were made to look like Him, and when we broke, He put us together again? now that we're the restored home for the Spirit, He won't just let us wander away without a kick in the rear?

