Tuesday, September 15, 2009


About 5 miles outside of Rawlins, WY one will start seeing signs for the Peacekeeper's Museum and the Old State Penitentary which, according to Roadside America, is a lot creepier than I originally thought.  Standing on the outside.  In the sun.  Not behind bars.  Or in a gas chamber.  Sidenote, as I write this, for the first time I realize the meaning of penitentary...A place of penance.  Wow, I missed that for 25 years.

Anyway.  I had decided to drive through Rawlins having wizzed by on my previous trips down I-80.  It ended up being well-worth the short time being slightly lost.  You can still tour the jail, but I couldn't justify the $7 and the time it would take out of my drive, so I took my own tour of the grounds.  It amazes me the beauty we put in buildings back then, even prisons.  The haunting detail in this building, and of the grounds, will stay with me for a while.

I love abandon.
Blame Me! Blame Me! by Anberlin