Sunday, June 7, 2009

Go Away or I Shall Taunt You a Second Time

Inagural Ladies Who Lunch at Crepes & Crepes, where we made up new lives in which we were very rich and worthy of ridiculously large sunglasses and neon pink stilletos (to feel like we fit in at Cherry Creek).  Amber was a lesbian talk-show host, I was the incredibly large-chested actress on haitus for personal reasons, and Jen was the inventor of colored staples.  She later changed her life to something a little more scandalous, but nonetheless amusing, as she was jealous of mine and Amber's risque-ness.  We rock.

The French Castle Scene by Monty Python


  1. reminds me of Romey and Michelle's High School Reunion...


    inventor of postits :-)


  2. I've never actually seen that movie...

