Sunday, June 21, 2009

Best. Day. Ever.

We broke with the tradition of the weekend (being staying in our PJs and playing video games - which was fanfreakintastic), got ready & summery and headed to The Orchard, an outdoor mall and community center that I love. We started at the Farmer's Market, where Mike found some BBQ sauce (he is the King of cooking), I found some beautiful cherries, and we both discovered jalapeno cheddar sausage. Seriously.

We walked hand-in-hand to Rock Bottom Brewery where we sampled summer drinks and nacho faire and realized that we were having the perfect day!

Basking in this, we bought tickets to "Up", and Mike took me to Forever 21 (yes, I'm too old, and I don't care). Mike also stole from a very tall mannequin, which was absolutely hilarious at the time...

I highly recommend "Up". Mike & I both cried (but don't tell him I told you). I love him so much; he is a man among men. And he looks cute in dork glasses!

See?! Tears! ;-)
The Wonderful Future by Our Lady Peace


  1. I LOVED Up! Cried multiple times for sure. (And I love Forever 21...shhh....)

  2. I know, right?! I cried like 4 times in that movie! I so didn't see that coming!
