Monday, March 5, 2007

Swetsville Museum

I started visiting my new dealerships today. Fort Collins wsa first. About to exit I-25, I saw what looked to be a metal dinosaur riding...another metal dinosaur?! At that point, I could only peek to the right as I turned left down the path of my pretense of professionalism.

So what did I do? I asked my dealership! And of course, stopped by the structures and sculptures that turned out to be the Swetsville Zoo and museum. I'll have to actually go INside the museum...

Needless to say, today deserves WAY more than one photo.


  1. I just must say that it is so funny that we have gone to a lot of the same "roadside attractions"! :)
    By the way, seems like you travel a lot and since you like to take pictures you should check out has some pretty randmom weird things to take pictures of:)

  2. I actually found when I googled the Swetsville Museum after I visited! I drove by it all the time so I finally just stopped! Next on the list:

    Bishop Castle!!!
