Monday, August 5, 2013

Story Time

We were sad to leave Galveston but once again enjoyed a just beautiful drive back to Rosenburg.
 Nar drove us by these abandoned beach houses at Surfside.  So fascinating!
 And of course: Beach Buccee's.  An adventure all its own.
We stopped by Nar's school to help her decorate her class room!  More pictures of that as she sends them (spoiler: it'll make you wish you were back in first grade).
 After which we sat down for some story time!!!
 All of us...
Even Du contributed as the Elephant...if any of you readers know Karley, she has a list of book requests on Amazon!  On each book that someone donates to her class she has a label indicating who donated it and where there from so that when she reads it she can say, "____________ sent this aaaaaaaall the way from _________________."  Which just adds to the warm fuzzies of contributing.  Just sayin'.


  1. YOU WERE RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! I live right by Surfside!!!!!!!!!

  2. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Can you see the ocean from your house? Do you go to Galveston a lot? This is going to happen!!!!
