Sunday, August 3, 2008

Walk Out

Mike & I have a long-standing tradition of getting Rio margaritas and then walking right next door to watch a movie. What we've never had happen is a movie be SO bad that even a couple margs can't keep us in our seats through the whole thing. The new Mummy movie did just that.

Little did I know as I hobbled around in my heels I was walking towards movie doom. But at least I was getting myriad compliments on my dress! :-D

We walked out of the movie, and decided to play some pool...

Didn't know I was a pool shark, ditchya?

Yeah, we kinda have fun no matter WHAT we're doing, or what plans go awry!

Unfortunately, I can handle one dress strap breaking...but not two. At least I caught it before I flashed anyone! Yay Mike for giving me his shirt! Hahahahaha!

Calabria 2007 by Enur featuring Natasja


  1. I coulda sworn I'd left a post about all the women commenting on how they liked your dress everywhere we went...

  2. comment from you...til now!
