Sunday, September 15, 2013


I was really kidding about the Lakeside Property bit.  This is just unreal.
I told Mike hours later, the thing that hit me the most as we wondered if the flooding would stop, if it could reach the house, what we'd bring if we ended up being evacuated was: why do I have so much crap?!

There was a scene in an Amy Adams movie where, at the suggestion of the guy she ends up falling for, she pulls the fire alarm in her swanky NYC apartment to see what her fiance, and what she herself, would scramble to take "if the house was on fire".  It's easy for me to speculate, not having just lost my house to a river, or, like some people we spoke with last night, having a house I can't go back to because the infrastructure of my entire city is gone.  But as we thought about a list of what we'd take if we were told to leave, I was surprised at the lack of "stuff" on it.

That being said, all my legal documents and IDs are now safely stored in a fire/water-proof safe to be grabbed at a moment's notice.  And, we're discovering, fear is a formidable foe to a budget.

Who would've thought flood insurance might be a good idea.  In Colorado.  Where it's sunny 300 days of the year...

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