Saturday, March 20, 2010

a la Debra Dean Photography

I didn't get a whole lot of photos of the evening, but Mike surprised me by arriving (after picking up our cake top) at the Gregory Inn, where we stayed on our first night as Mr. & Mrs. Clayton!  We then headed downtown to eat at D'Corazon, where we had our rehearsal dinner.  When we arrived, the hostess asked how many would be dining, and Mike repsonded: "I have a reservation for Mike Clayton."

"Oh, party of 16?"

Wait, what?!

Mike asked all of our friends in the area to meet us downtown to recreate our special day without the pomp and stress (and white dress).  So we ate at D'Corazon, had a drink at 8 Rivers, and ended up bowling at Lucky Strike, just like we did one year ago...well, technically one day ago tomorrow.  But who's counting?

What a great man I married.


  1. Wow!
    Way to go, Mike!
    This is fantastic... you're a really good surprise-er.

  2. Well, she deserves it all and more.

  3. The ONLY thing that would've made it better would've been if you were there, Ms. Soon To Be Not Jeter!
