Monday, March 9, 2009

Pretty as a...

"I've got a surprise for you!" Mike said, as he brough some stuff over to what will become our home in less than two weeks. We've spent the past week setting up shop with all of my things and, slowly, some of his too. During this time, he helped me unwrap each and every cup, saucer, and spoon set I have collected of Franz porcelain. He even listened to me talk about my love for them for ten minutes! I seriously love these sets. I look at them and my heart melts. I told him about the next one I would save up for. The peacock set. This gorgeous blue, that kind of reminded me of the colors of our weddding.

"It's a house warming slash imma marry you present," he said.

I don't have to save up for it anymore... :-D

The Paper Face by Audrye Sessions