Maxwell Smart: If I were CONTROL you'd already be dead.
Siegfried: If you were CONTROL you'd already be dead.
Maxwell Smart: Neither of us is dead so I am obviously not from CONTROL.
Shtarker: That actually makes sense.
Shtarker: Too bad about all the dead movie stars.
Siegfried: Yes. What will we do without their razor-sharp political advice.
Maxwell Smart: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
The Chief: I don't know. Were you thinking, "Holy s***, holy s***, a sword fish almost went through my head"? If so, then yes.
Maxwell Smart: There are 150 special forces snipers surrounding this building.
Siegfried: No there's not.
Maxwell Smart: Would you believe 2 dozen Delta Force commandoes?
Siegfried: No.
Maxwell Smart: How about Chuck Norris with a BB gun.
That was eloquently put...