Thursday, July 10, 2008

How does one photograph a lack of hope?

I stopped at Wal Mart for lunch when I landed at Rapid City. They have the few foods I'm allowed to eat fresh and readily available. Besides, it's right down from my hotel.

It was packed. I mean, I've been to some busy Wal Marts, but this was absolutely ridiculous! You couldn't even get through the product aisles! I finally gathered my berries, juice drinks, nuts, and avacados and made it the the express line, where I was cut off by an old woman in a motorized scooter. A MOTORIZED SCOOTER!!! You're in a moving chair and you felt you needed to have your 2 items checked out before mine?! And what is with these people?! Don't they shower when they're on vacation? Seriously? What's the deal with all these's Wal Mart, not a 10 mile hike. Oh honey, I'm sure those tatoos looked great on you before 50 years of sun made you look rode hard and put up wet. And you, perv. Quit looking at me like you haven't seen a lady in 30 years. It's called makeup. Buy this month's girlfriend some.

It was finally my turn, and I'll be honest, I was happy to be almost out of there. I was silently appalled at the people the tourist season had brought out in the Kitsch Kapital of the US; what wood work had these people crawled out of?!

"You guys are awfully busy!" I started a conversation with the cashier. I was about to add how great the summer season must be for business with all the visiting families and bikers, when she said - and rather louder than I would've thought necessary - "Yeah. It's always busy on the 10th. Food stamps are turned on at midnight."

God forgive me.

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