I spent 8 hours at Children's in downtown Denver. I was so strong about it, until I couldn't find where to park. I finally stopped the vallay guy and asked where to go. "Are you visiting a patient?" he asked. "No! I am the patient!" Little did I know that was the first of many times I would say that...
I had to wear a sticker so I wouldn't lose myself or be taken home by the wrong parent...When I asked if there was any water, I was given a 2 oz box of juice. I had hot green dog wrap around my arm where the nurse had taken an inordinant amount of blood. It doesn't stick to skin, only itself. Fantastic little invention I definitely missed out on. And every time a little bald head walk past me, searching for the next entertaining area in the hospital, I had tears roll down my cheeks.
9 doctors, 1 blood test, 3 echos, 1 EKG, 16 pulmonary exams, 5 flip-flop compliments, and 2 emotional breakdowns later, I was allowed to exit into rush hour traffice, feeling so incredibly blessed by the life I've been privaledged to live. I've had an incredibly full 23 years, and if nothing else, I can take comfort in that, and be thankful for the incredible ways I have been set apart and looked after by Someone so much bigger than me.