Monday, August 20, 2007

"The perils of Internet Dating! HAHAHAHAHA!" -Jen

I was talking to Aaron on the phone during my dinner at McGrath's in Boise, when all of this sudden, this cute little buzzed-cut kid with a plate full of fries and fish sat down across from me, saying "I'm going to keep you company while you eat."

Stunned, I told Aaron I'd call him back, that a nice young man had decided to eat with me. When I was off the phone, our conversation started when he said "My dad said he'd give me a dollar if I'd come over here and keep you company."

I LOVE my life!

About 10 minutes later, the rest of his large family noticed where he was, and while half the guys voiced their regret at having not thought of it first, the women just bawked and laughed, asking my permission for a photo.

"Only if you take one for me! Smile, Max!"


  1. I'll volunteer! I would be happy to be your boy across the table! :) I would love to travel around with you.
