So, last night, I thought of a brilliant plan to mess with Steve on our white water rafting trip near Canyon City. I decided to ask him as many random, and presumably unanswerable, questions as I could until he flipped out on me. It was after about 10 minutes of this, consisting of 3 questions, all preceeded by, "Hey Steve..." that he started weirding out. But he answered, or at least attempted to answer, each one, ALL DOWN THE 23 MILE RAFTING TRIP! It was freakin' HILARIOUS. Jen even played along, saying "Haven't you ever been on a roadtrip with Kendra?!"
Until, at dinner, he overheard me telling Charlie, and the cat was out, and Steve claimed he knew all along...
Yeah. Sure he did!
Anyway, the rafting (I typed farting, mix up the r and the f and you're in trouble!) trip was fanTAStic! We went through Royal Gorge, under the tallest suspension bridge in the world, past old homesteads and gold-mining materials, along the Arkansas River, which is followed by incredibly old mud piping built and installed by prisoners! Crazy history, and I got to watch it all from the front of the boat. I am the weakest link!
Whatever, the Wetterling's have never been known for their upper body strength...