Saturday, September 15, 2012


Mike and I decided to go on an in-town adventure.  We ate at a local steak house in the middle of nowhere Commerce City, Gala Gardens.  They don't even have a website I can link to.  It's that kind of place.  The waitress asked us where we were from, it was so obvious we weren't regulars.
They had yard art.  In the restaurant.  I was on the verge of laughing pretty much the entire night.  Who uses cream cheese in Chile Relleno?!  REALLY?!
This Big Guy is a staple at the joint.  George I think?  Anyway, he watched us eat the entire time.  Creepy fish.
After that, we went to 88th St. Drive In to see the Bourne Legacy.  Perhaps the fact that cars aren't built like they used to be (meaning Serenity would turn off power every 20 minutes to save battery when we needed the radio to hear the movie), or maybe it was our fellow clientel and poor radio reception.  But I think we've had enough drive-in movies for a long while.

Live & learn, right?

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