Friday, May 8, 2009

Watching + Wondering

Today was one of those days that was so beautiful it squeezes your heart just a little bit. Not a cloud in the deep blue sky and even with the sun the air was still cool. I enjoyed lunch with my lone female dealer in Cherry Creek, which is blooming with flowers and incredibly overpriced name-brand stores that I will never pronounce, much less shop. We ate at Cherry Creek Grill, and I had the most amazing, mouth-watering salad I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing with my taste buds. Mixed greens, finely chopped chicked, avocadoes, dates, almonds, tomatoes, and a vinagerette for which I would kill should I ever discover the recipe.

It was on this note that I drove home and found this bird sitting right outside my door. I sat watching it, trying to figure out if it's wings were indeed cobalt blue or if the light was playing tricks on me. Surely, I thought, if I get my camera if will fly away...

But it didn't. It just sat watching me as I watched it.


One Sweet World by Dave Matthews Band

1 comment:

  1. hi, pretty bird :)

    He is pretty, K.
    I'm so glad he brightened your day.
