Saturday, February 15, 2014

An Easy Out

The whole point of going to Niwot was to make an easy getaway where we actually take it easy.  The problem with home days is that I always have projects or ideas or biz and it's difficult for me to just stop and be restful.  Today was that day...even if it was more biz than initially planned!

We ate lunch at the Cheese Emporium.  Not our first time there, but our first time for a meal!  It was amazing...
After that, we went to Serendipity and Target.  Then had a super relaxing afternoon back at the Inn! The grand staircase...
We ate dinner at Treppeda's for dinner and had THE best lasagna I have ever tasted (sans marinara)!
And looked good doin' it, too. :-)

Friday, February 14, 2014


A tour of the Niwot Inn (I told you!):
 Wine & cheese in the afternoon every day!
 Love this fireplace...
 Prom pose before dinner at Colterra!
I'll spare you the myriad pictures of each course we took; needless to say it was a lovely Valentine's Day meal!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Old Fave Airport

This bridge always caused mixed feelings...upon arrival it meant a week of work.  Upon departure, home.
 At lunch here all the time...
 And enjoyed this art installation!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Go Mustangs!

Boise State - finally I see the field!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I am traveling to Boise for our very last Fusion in '14 Sales Rally.  It's been almost five years since I ended my three year stint in that zone, and so much of it feels so familiar, and yet so different.  The HGI that became my home away from home is under construction.  The upper floors are complete, new hallways and carpet:
But this is how I always remember it:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Nar Turns 27

The fox says "Happy Birfday"!
So preeeettyyyyyyyyy.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Big Kid

It was a good Target Date!

Friday, February 7, 2014

To Each His Own

There's one way to decorate an office...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

No, Really.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Drift

I experience sledding for the first time in the 30 years I've been on this earth.

Let me tell you: it was terrifying.  I miss the lack of awareness of one's mortality that one loses with age.

That being said...I'll be going again!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Big Game

Man did the Bronco's end up absolutely eating it today.  But we still enjoyed our annual Baker St Pub Tradition!
 "Hey, so I realize I ruined your birthday, so I got you something," said Tommy when he arrived.

"Oh Tommy, you're a dweeb."
Good lookin' in Blue and Orange.
 I wanted to be a part (albeit awkward) of it, too.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Carnival 2014

It's becoming a very traditional weekend.  Sans Hudsons this time around though...kinda sad.

Friday, January 31, 2014


Yours truly installed a ceiling fan ALL by herself.  Didn't even have to call Dad (who was on Red Alert).  I watched this video to learn how to uninstall one, and after maniacally checking to make sure I had indeed turned the power OFF, I took down our old one and installed this bad boy we randomly spotted, and subsequently purchased, at Lowe's.
 And just in case you thought I was passing off a ceiling art installation as a fan that didn't actually work:
Mike did help me take it down and use different screws in the ceiling bracket.  Unfortunately the directions indicated to use the previous screws already in the housing box, which were crap and made the fan wobble.  NOT my fault.  So I consider it installed alone (but, in an effort to be full disclosure, Mike did help perfect).

I am Woman.  Hear me cuss up a storm while installing light fixtures, but appreciate my ability to follow directions implicitly.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Date Day

We went shopping. :-)

Target socks.
ON Flats.
 Best shirt EVER at Old Navy.
 Mike is not usually a fan of the ON...
 He got over it.